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Tell world leaders:

Deliver on Climate Justice

President Biden, Prime Minister Trudeau, President Macron, Prime Minister Johnson & all leaders attending the Earth Day Climate Summit: Years of delay and denial have only made the climate crisis worse. That’s why, when you meet on April 22nd, we need you to be bold and deliver climate action that matches the scale of this crisis.

That means:

  • Do what the science demands: Increase your domestic climate targets to meet the science of a 1.5ºC warming limit. For most of you, that means at least doubling your current targets and setting a 2050 target of real zero, not a net-zero plan full of loopholes for big polluters. 

  • Stop funding the problem: All of your countries continue to hand billions in public money to the fossil fuel industry and turn a blind eye to the flow of financial firms’ investments in the industry, driving its expansion worldwide. Your governments need to cut off the flow of funding to fossil fuels from all institutions. 

  • Get serious about the transition: Use public money for public good. Invest in job creation, renewable energy, and sustainable infrastructure. Support the frontline communities that are hardest hit by the ravages of climate change. As you work on the global stage to shift funding from climate destruction to a hopeful, equitable future, you must also ensure your nation is taking the crisis seriously with policies that support this transition. 

  • Leave no one behind: Frontline communities, workers and families need to be at the center of how we tackle the climate crisis. Any climate plan that doesn’t reflect this simply won’t work. 

33,180 actions so far

6,820  needed to get to  40,000

Politicians are meeting at US President Biden's climate summit on 22 & 23 April - we have a short time to make them hear our demand for justice.

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