Defend the Amazon

An Amazon free from oil and gas

Out of the more than $20 billion invested, 46% of all direct financing for oil and gas exploration in the Amazon comes from just six banks: Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Itaú Unibanco, Santander, Bank of America, and HSBC.

We cannot accept that these banks profit from saying they are sustainable while, in fact, they profit from investing in oil and gas in the Amazon.

It is the billions coming from these banks that finance the continuous threats that indigenous and traditional communities in the Amazon are suffering.

These billions should be invested to decarbonize and promote a fair energy transition in the Amazon, instead of turning it into a carbon bomb.

"We cannot see the Amazon merely as a major commercial product. It is unacceptable that oil and gas exploration projects are valued more than human life." - Chief Ninawa Inu Bake Huni Kui, leader of the Huni Kui people

It's time to stop this financing. Sign the petition and demand that banks immediately end their investments in oil and gas exploration in Amazon!

Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Itaú Unibanco, Santander, HSBC and Bank of America - stop financing and investing in oil and gas in Amazon!

Tell Big Banks: - Stop the destruction in Amazon: end oil and gas investments!

Banks are destroying Amazon by funding oil and gas companies that drill there.

Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Itaú Unibanco, Santander, HSBC and Bank of America are funding oil and gas companies in the Amazon. They are destroying biodiversity and wildlife and threatening indigenous peoples and traditional communities who live there.

71% of the Amazon lacks effective risk management policies for climate change, biodiversity, forest cover, and indigenous peoples' rights. 

Except for HSBC, the other five institutions have not committed to protecting the critical social and environmental values of the Amazon from the devastating impacts of the oil and gas industry.

The Amazon is neglected in the social and environmental risk management (ESRM) policies of these banks. Despite claiming to fight biodiversity loss and the exploitation of indigenous peoples, Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Itaú Unibanco, Santander, and Bank of America continue to finance destructive operations—pure greenwashing!

Tropical forests are one of the most precious resources of our planet and crucial in the fight against the climate crisis. 

We cannot accept that these banks profit from saying they are sustainable while, in fact, they profit from investing in oil and gas in the Amazon. Tell the banks: end the financing and investments in oil and gas in the Amazon now.

It is the billions coming from these banks that finance the continuous threats that indigenous and traditional communities in the Amazon are suffering.

Incessant noise, heavy truck traffic, accidents, explosions, and water pollution are part of a devastating reality. These factors compromise the livelihoods of Amazonian peoples, drastically reducing local wildlife, making fishing and hunting difficult, and causing constant food insecurity.

Moreover, indigenous leaders face threats and retaliation from oil and gas companies. These intimidations cannot continue. 

For all these reasons, we demand that Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Itaú Unibanco, Santander, HSBC and Bank of America recognize and respect the biodiversity and peoples of the Amazon. End the financing and investments in oil and gas in the Amazon and instead invest in a fair transition there now.

Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, Itaú Unibanco, Santander, HSBC and Bank of America - stop financing and investing in oil and gas in Amazon!

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