Organize your community to make some noise during Congress's August recess

Trump and the GOP’s war on our health isn't over – they’ll almost surely try and ram through yet another Trumpcare proposal and at the same time keep rolling back regulations on fossil fuel pollution.

The GOP tried to rush to roll back Obamacare so they could move on to the rest of their deadly agenda. If we show up in massive numbers and link arms with everyone in the healthcare fight, we can put the brakes on their entire plan. We can also set the stage for bigger wins in our districts by showing that the climate movement isn’t going anywhere.

Opposition at representatives’ district offices works. We’re at a critical juncture to show politicians that we will say no to every Trumpcare proposal the GOP tries and yes to strong climate action. If you're want to organize people in your community during Congress's August recess – fill out this form.

We'll be in touch soon – but for now check out this handy toolkit to get started. If you're ready to register your event – go here

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