Thursday 17 September 3PM CEST
Join us for a live stream of the webinar "Our Money, Our Life, Our Future” to learn how we can fight for a green and just recovery ahead of the Finance In Common summit.
In November, for the first time in history, 450 public development banks that control approximately $2 trillion in public money will all be in the same room - at the Finance In Common summit.
This is our money and the decisions made by these banks will shape our future for decades to come. So we need to make our voices heard and tell these mega-banks to invest in a green and just recovery, adopt debt cancellation for countries in the Global South and stop bailing out polluters.
In this webinar, we’ll talk about how to make our demands heard and how to ensure that everyone's eyes are on the banks and the decisions they make at this summit. We’ll expose how public banks around the world are still backing fossil fuel projects, like the highly contested Mozambique Liquefied Natural Gas project. We'll discuss opportunities to take action and how to ensure we are mobilising across Europe, and the rest of the world.
This webinar is open to anyone willing to take action – whether you’re already a climate activist, or just keen to learn more about the ties between public money, the fossil fuel industry and climate impacts.
To shift the financial flows, hold institutions accountable and enhance our access to justice, we need everyone. See you on 17th September!