The Movie
You can download a high-resolution copy of the film here.
General Questions
What is the Do the Math movie?
The Do The Math movie is a 42-minute documentary film about the rising movement to change the terrifying math of the climate crisis and challenge the fossil fuel industry.
Can I stream the movie online, download it, or order a DVD?
Yes! You can stream the movie on YouTube, download it on dropbox, or order a DVD on Amazon here.
When can we host a house-party screening?
Whenever you want -- just try to host it at a time when lots of people can join you.
Who will be hosting these house-party screenings?
ANYONE -- students, teachers, parents. You don't need to have ever done anything like this before.
Why host a house-party screening?
Film is a great tool for organising and mobilising our movement for action. By hosting this screening and discussion, the film should spark dialogue and action in communities across the world. We must understand the terrifying maths of global warming, promote just solutions and fight dirty fossil fuel projects.
I'm anxious about hosting a screening – I've never done this before.
Hosting a screening is very simple -- all you need to do is make sure you've got the equipment you need to screen the movie, reserve a couple of hours, and spread the word! You can always co-host a screening and invite local leaders to co-lead the discussion after the film if you wish.
What is the schedule? How much time should we plan for?
The whole event should take about 1.5 hours. Here's a sample schedule:
19:00: Event starts, allow approximately 10 minutes for people to arrive.
19:10: Short introduction to the film.
19:15: Start the movie! It's 42 minutes long.
20:00: Discussion of the movie for 30 minutes.
Whom should I invite?
Family, friends, neighbours — anyone you feel should see the film. If you want to expand your reach, consider inviting representatives from diverse community groups so numerous points of view are included and a well-rounded conversation can take place.
How do we lead the discussion?
The film will inspire conversation on its own, but choosing one person who will moderate or facilitate discussion will help to focus the group and clearly identify actions that people can easily engage in. It's a good idea to designate one person to take notes and collect all attendees’ contact information so that you can continue to communicate with one another after the screening. You can also check out our discussion guide.
We recommend that before the discussion ends, you offer your guests a list of easy, specific actions that they can take within your community.
Posters, Fliers, and Other Printable Materials
- Here’s a link to a full-sized PDF poster. Just print out one, fill in your info, and make copies locally. Here's what it looks like:
- Here’s a link to a similar poster, but sized to have 4 to a sheet. These are perfect for distributing to crowds, like at Earth Day events this weekend.
- Here’s a link to a full-sized PDF poster. Just print out one, fill in your info, and make copies locally. Here's what it looks like:
- And here’s a link to a “discussion guide” just for local hosts around the world.
It includes some basic info, some sample discussion questions, and some next steps for folks to take action. Depending on the size of your movie, you may want to print out multiple copies to distribute. Here's a discussion guide tailored more to film screenings in the United States.
- If you're collecting names and email addresses of folks who come to your event (a good idea if you're having new folks over!), here's a printable signup sheet.
- And here’s a link to a “discussion guide” just for local hosts around the world.
It includes some basic info, some sample discussion questions, and some next steps for folks to take action. Depending on the size of your movie, you may want to print out multiple copies to distribute. Here's a discussion guide tailored more to film screenings in the United States.
If you've gone through the complete list of Questions on this page and are still stumped, feel free to reach out and send an email to ""
We'll try to get back to you as soon as possible, but we receive hundreds of inquiries a day, and have a tiny staff.
Please be patient -- we'll get back to you as soon as we can.