Plans are underway to develop nine mega coal mines in Queensland’s Galilee Basin, five of which would be larger than any mine in operation in Australia today. The mines would double Australia’s coal exports and triple our emissions, burning through 6% of the world’s remaining carbon budget. They would also require construction of the world’s largest coal port at Abbot Point on one of the most precious ecosystems on earth – the Great Barrier Reef.
The maths of these projects don’t stack up. To secure a safe climate, the Galilee Basin coal cannot be dug up and burned. This is a make-or-break moment in Australia’s history, a time to cut our ties with the old coal barons and turn towards a future of cleaner energy.
Unsurprisingly, the Queensland and Federal Governments are well and truly on the side of the mining barons. They are doing all they can to give the coal companies a leg-up to build the expensive mega-mining complex as well as the hundreds of kilometers of rail and expanded coal ports on the Great Barrier Reef needed to support them.
But, we can stop this from going ahead!
Despite Government-backing, these projects are on increasingly shaky ground, financially and reputationally. Coal prices are at an all time low and face permanent decline, meanwhile renewable energy continues to rapidly drop in price.
The battle to stop these mines will be long, it will be challenging, but we are committed to building a powerful network of individuals and communities across Australia who Say No to the Galilee. We hope you can join us.
Sign up to join our network and we’ll keep you in the loop as the campaign develops and when we need your help.