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Tell President Biden: 100% Renewable Energy Now

We demand a 100% renewable energy system and a rapid end to coal, oil, and gas.

  • Ensure justice and fairness for all
  • Triple renewable energy by 2030
  • Protect nature and our environment 

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We’re demanding a world that is 100% powered by renewable energy. That means a rapid end to all coal, oil and gas. It’s a chance to renew our relationship with nature and with each other too. To tackle global injustice as we end pollution and climate chaos.

World leaders gathered in Dubai last year at COP28. They agreed to triple renewable energy by 2030, to keep us in line with the 1.5C target and we must hold them to it.

Fossil fuel industry lobbyists will work hard to cling on to power and profits. But we can counter them with a huge show of people power.

Can you add your name to the petition calling for 100% renewable energy, then share it with friends and family? We need to keep the momentum going.

The details:

  • We need to get to 100% renewable energy by 2050 which means phase out of fossil fuels by then. Even faster for industrialized, rich countries for fairness and equity.
  • Globally, we’ll add about 0.44TW (440GW) renewable energy this year. By 2030, we must triple our total capacity of renewable energy to over 11,000GW which means ramping up yearly deployment to 1.5TW (1500GW) from 2030 onward.
  • Double energy efficiency gains (from about 2% to 4%) by 2030.

And we must ensure that the transition away from fossil fuels and to 100% renewables is fair and equitable, leaving no country or community behind.

With us? Add your name ✍️

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