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Tell Rugby Australia to cut ties with Santos

The Wallabies have won world cups, they’ve inspired generations of young people to start playing rugby and they’ve done us proud on the world stage. What we’re not proud of though is a fossil fuel company emblazoned on their jersey for the world to see.

Santos have been throwing our climate and communities under the bus for decades, emitting millions of tonnes of methane and carbon into the atmosphere, with no plans on slowing down.

Associating with Santos should be as toxic as associating with a tobacco company - together we can show our support for Rugby Australia cutting all ties with Santos by building a massive petition that we’ll deliver to their board in the coming months.

Tell Rugby Australia to drop dirty Santos from their jerseys

To Andy Marinos and the Rugby Australia board,

We call on you to immediately cut ties with gas company Santos. Their reckless expansion of the gas industry, knowing the damage it is doing to our shared climate puts your brand and reputation at risk.

An iconic rugby organisation promoting a dirty gas giant in 2023 is as irresponsible as a medical organisation promoting cigarettes in 1930.

We call on you to remove the Santos logo from the Wallabies jersey and end the partnership immediately.

Tell Rugby Australia to drop dirty Santos from their jerseys

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