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Tell Minister Plibersek to fast-track water protections

Water is life. But right now, Tamboran Resources is on the fast track to frack the Northern Territory, and water is at risk of being poisoned before it’s protected.

With its super-sized rigs known as ‘mega frackers’, Tamboran is preparing to drill across hundreds of kilometres, use up to quadruple the amount of water than anything else in Australia, leak toxic chemicals into the groundwater, and release millions of tonnes of climate pollution – every single year.

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has promised to put stronger water protections in our environment laws – but not until next year, when the damage will have been done. The Minister has the option to introduce these protections right now.

Tamboran Resources is on the fast track to frack the Northern Territory, so the Environment Minister must fast track stronger water protections to stop them in time.

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Dear Minister Plibersek,

Thank you for committing to expand the water trigger to cover shale gas fracking as part of the national environmental law reforms. We urgently call on you to introduce the expanded water trigger now, instead of with the rest of the reforms, in response to the massive and rapid expansion of shale gas fracking in the Northern Territory.

Tamboran Resources is preparing to drill across hundreds of kilometres, use up to quadruple the amount of water than anything else approved in Australia, leak toxic forever chemicals into the groundwater, and release millions of tonnes of climate pollution every year.

If the Albanese Government waits to introduce stronger water protections along with the rest of the reforms, there will already be significant damage to water, land, and climate from shale gas fracking. We therefore urge you to fast track the expanded water trigger and introduce it now.

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