The Dakota Access Pipeline would cause irreparable harm to sacred land and water as well as the climate. Direct the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to revoke the permits under ‘Nationwide Permit 12” and stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline once and for all.


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The Dakota Access Pipeline must be stopped. This pipeline would carry toxic fracked oil from North Dakota across four states, and under the Missouri River immediately upstream from the Standing Rock Sioux Nation. That makes it a threat to the sacred land and water of native communities and a disaster for the climate.

For months, thousands of indigenous activists have set up resistance camps along the pipeline route in a historic moment of nonviolent resistance.

We know that to defeat a pipeline, it takes a movement of people from all corners of the nation. This is Keystone all over again. And like Keystone, we can stop this pipeline through massive public pressure on the Obama administration to protect the land, water, and climate.

Tribal leaders are taking The Army Corps of Engineers to court over the unjust pipeline approval process, but President Obama could step in any time and say "no" to this whole thing, like he did for Keystone XL.

Tell President Obama to stop the Dakota Access pipeline - sign the petition now.

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