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Stop the Climate Denier Cabinet

The climate is changing, and anyone who denies it has no place in the White House Cabinet. Donald Trump has nominated climate deniers for:

  • EPA Administrator - Scott Pruitt
  • Secretary of State - ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson
  • Department of Energy - Former Gov. Rick Perry
  • Department of Interior - Rep. Ryan Zinke

Tell the Senate to reject Trump's Climate Denier Cabinet.

Tell the Senate:

The climate is changing, and anyone who denies it has no place in the White House Cabinet. Donald Trump has nominated candidates who ignore climate change for every major energy and environmental post in his White House. It's up to the Senate to stop them.

We call on Senators to reject Donald Trump's nominees for EPA Administrator, Secretary of State, Department of Energy and Department of Interior and only approve candidates who will act to stop the planet from warming.

Tell the Senate:

We'll deliver your message to key Senators before they vote on Donald Trump's dangerous nominees.

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