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No Middle Arm Gas Hub

Larrakia Traditional Owners have warned that the gas-fired petrochemical precinct in Darwin Harbour could be another Juukan Gorge.

They haven’t been consulted about the development plans despite it being right next to the only remaining Larrakia rock art.

Sign the petition and tell the Albanese Government that it’s time to stop The Middle Arm gas hub. 


Sign the petition and tell the Albanese Government that it’s time to stop The Middle Arm gas hub. 

Dear Minister Plibersek and Prime Minister Albanese,

We are calling on you to stop the proposed Middle Arm gas and petrochemical hub planned for Darwin Harbour.

Senior Larrakia Traditional Owners have not consented to this project or been consulted. There are significant rock art, cultural heritage and sacred sites at Middle Arm that could be irreversibly damaged if this development goes ahead.

The Middle Arm gas and petrochemical hub is a toxic, polluting gas and petrochemical hub that will irreversibly damage health, harbour and climate, and open up the carbon bomb of the Beetaloo Basin.

It is unacceptable that Larrakia wishes have been ignored by the Northern Territory and Commonwealth Governments about the project, particularly following the destruction of Juukan Gorge.

We are calling on you to: immediately block the environmental impact assessment for Middle Arm; redirect the $1.5 billion subsidy for Middle Arm to elsewhere in the NT; establish a Senate Inquiry into Middle Arm so Larrakia Traditional Owners can raise their concerns about the project.

Please don’t allow a toxic gas and petrochemical development to be prioritised over the rights of First Nations people.


Sign the petition and tell the Albanese Government that it’s time to stop The Middle Arm gas hub. 

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