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Tell the Navy and Air Force: Cancel Air Shows!

As the U.S. is experiencing yet another year of record-breaking heat waves, droughts, and floods, military air shows that burn millions of tons of fossil fuels are still going ahead.

Military air shows are polluting our planet by burning fossil fuels, all for “entertainment” that glorifies war and militarism. The Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro and Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall III have the power to call them off. Send a message to Secretary Del Toro and Secretary Kendall and tell them: cancel air shows and protect us from the climate crisis!

Make Your Voice Heard

To the Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro and Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall III:

The climate crisis is one of the biggest threats to Americans. As the Secretary of the Navy/Air Force, you have the responsibility to protect the U.S. from the climate crisis. Your own Climate Action Plans acknowledge that climate change is one of the most destabilizing forces of our time, and yet, military air shows are pumping millions of tons of carbon emissions into the air and exacerbating the climate crisis.

The U.S. military is the world’s single largest institutional consumer of fossil fuels and the world’s single largest institutional emitter of greenhouse gases.

While the entire country is suffering from devastating climate impacts including extreme heat waves, wildfires and hurricanes, the Navy and Air Force continue to put on air shows that emit millions of tons of carbon emissions for entertainment. These military air shows increase the risk of even more severe and frequent climate catastrophes in the future.

This is not right, and you, as secretaries of the Navy and Air Force, have the responsibility to protect Americans from the climate crisis. Cancel air shows now!

Thank you,

Make Your Voice Heard

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