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❌ Stop the Fast-track 📩

This government is planning to fast-track climate destruction and undermine Tangata Whenua and community decision-making. Thousands of New Zealanders have spoken up about the disastrous Fast-track Approval Bill by making submissions and speaking to select committees. Now the Environment Select Committee is preparing their report for cabinet to suggest amendments - this opens up a short opportunity window to call on the secret gatekeepers that could stop this bill. Email the four National Party Members and tell them to drop the Bill. Appeal to Hon Scott Simpson (Coromandel), Mike Butterick (Wairarapa), Hamish Campbell (Ilam) and Kate Nimon (Napier) to stand with their communities and use their power as the gate-keepers to the fast-track

Tell the four National Party Environment Select Committee members why you want them to use their power to stop the climate-destructive, anti-democratic and Te Tiriti breaching Fast-track Approvals Bill.

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