Click below to get a reminder email about the Keystone XL strategy video chat on 2/4 at 9 PM Eastern


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Éric van Hollemeersch Canada
Anthony Gronowicz United States
Steve J. Farias United States
Bonnie Jim McKinlay United States
S J. Jacky United States
Fusun Hande Tufanyazici Turkey
Benjamin Gutierrez United States
Dr. Eric L Carlson Ph.D., BCBA-D United States
Barranca Wren United States
Amy Tinto United States
Roberta Potsic United States
Lynn Fitz-Hugh United States
Sandra L Engle United States
Cheryl Ritenbaugh United States
Carolyn D. Shaw United States

On February 4th at 9 PM Eastern, 6 PM Pacific we'll host a video chat to talk about the State Department's report, and the next steps to stop the pipeline. Sign up here to get a reminder email about the chat!