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Tell Australia that Pacific Islanders want renewables now!

Join Pacific Islanders in Australia and across the region, in taking back Our Pawa. Tell the Australian government to choose safe, clean and fair renewable energy, and make sure that none of our communities are left behind.

To be a true Pacific neighbour, Australia’s just transition must:

  1. Power up safe and equitable renewable energy
  2. Ensure job security for workers
  3. Establish fair training and migration pathways for Pacific Islanders
  4. Finance a Fossil Fuel Free Pacific
  5. Raise climate goals in  2025

Join Pacific Islanders in Australia and across the region, in taking back Our Pawa. 

Our Pawa is our fight for our islands and our vision for the future of our communities. It is our need to see this nation move beyond fossil fuels and our hope to see our communities supported through a just, fair and equitable transition that meets the pace and scale needed to combat the climate crisis and ensure we can thrive wherever our communities reside.  

In presenting these demands we recognise the Pacific’s strong identity, cultural heritage, and Indigenous commitment to environmental and social sustainability, and base our transition on these traditional values. What we present are demands that we know impact the livelihoods of our communities both in Australia and in the Pacific, of which Australia is a part of. 

  • Power up safe and equitable renewable energy for communities: We demand a sustainable and ethical approach to managing the Just Transition. One where communities are engaged at all levels of decision making and vulnerable peoples are afforded access. We need a rapid but safe transition to renewable energy, where its costs and benefits are equitably distributed to communities.
  • Ensure job security for workers: The government must invest in a new employment ecosystem and provide training through capacity building and greater cross-regional collaboration.
  • Establish fair training and migration pathways for Pacific IslandersTo ensure Pacific migration pathways are reformed to include training opportunities in renewable energy technologies that can support a rapid transition in Australia and the Pacific region.
  • Finance for a Fossil Fuel Free Pacific: We demand a commitment from the government to end subsidies and financing of fossil fuels and other carbon-emitting extractive industries, and to increase funding towards the renewable energy transition for the Australia and Pacific region.
  • Raise climate goals in 2025: Commit to the 2015 Paris Agreement and raise ambition on Australia’s climate goals at COP30. Despite what Government comes into power in the 2025 Federal Election, the commitment to those climate goals should be non-negotiable.

Join Pacific Islanders in Australia and across the region, in taking back Our Pawa. 

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