REPower Afrika

Demand funding and support to renewable energy for communities in Africa

A hundred communities in Uganda and Tanzania, threatened by a destructive mega-pipeline, are about to become a powerful symbol of climate resistance and hope across Africa.

Right now African climate activists are launching REPower Afrika – a campaign to speed up the shift away from fossil fuels to distributed, community-led renewable energy. Communities along the route of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) are the first frontline of this struggle for a better future powered by renewable energy in the hands of the people.

To make it a reality, they need two things: for African Nations to commit to the transition, end their support to fossil fuels and remove barriers to renewable energy projects. And they need rich countries in the G7 and G20 (such as the US, EU, UK, Japan and others) to commit the money and the resources to fund the transition.

Please add your name in support of the demand to REPower Afrika, and help make the voice of African communities building a clean renewable energy future too loud to ignore!

Communities in Africa are raising their voices to demand support and funding to community-led renewable energy Add your voice now:

We are the voices of Africa. We are mothers and fathers, children and elders, farmers and teachers, and we are witnessing the devastating impacts of the climate crisis every day. 

As our lands dry up and our homes flood, our people die and our children lose hope of a better future. The urgency for a just transition away from fossil fuels to safe, renewable energy alternatives rooted in justice has never been clearer. Enough is enough.

Seventeen out of the twenty countries most threatened by climate change are here in Africa. Recently, East Africa experienced severe rains that caused flooding, hundreds of deaths, displacement, and extensive damage to property and infrastructure in Kenya, Tanzania, and Burundi. 

Despite these alarming trends, the fossil fuel industry and some governments continue to expand fossil fuel infrastructure, such as the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP). This project is a ticking carbon bomb.

But we are not victims. We are resilient communities fighting back. 

A hundred communities in Uganda and Tanzania, threatened by the destructive mega-pipeline, are about to become a powerful symbol of climate resistance and hope across Africa. To stand up to the power of the fossil fuel industry all around the continent, we will work together to build a real alternative, and bring clean solar energy to local people. 

As we make this vision reality, we need support - funding and political will. That’s why together, we’re calling on African Nations and Global North leaders to:

  1. Prioritize Investment in Community-Led Renewable Energy Projects: Allocate significant financial resources to support decentralized and community-driven renewable energy initiatives that directly benefit local populations and empower communities.
  2. Create Enabling Policies: Implement policies and regulations that streamline the deployment of renewable energy technologies and attract substantial investments in the sector.
  3. Stop Financing Harmful Fossil Fuel Projects: Redirect funds from fossil fuel projects like EACOP towards sustainable and equitable renewable energy solutions.
  4. Support a Just Transition: Commit to a just transition that not only addresses climate change but also fosters economic development through the creation of green jobs, improving energy access, and enhancing environmental sustainability.

Please add your name in support of our demands. Sustained, widespread international pressure will help us hold our leaders accountable, and build broad public support to community-led renewable energy across Africa.

Read more about the REPower Afrika campaign on our website.

Communities in Africa are raising their voices to demand support and funding to community-led renewable energy Add your voice now:

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