Momentum is growing to stop the climate change crisis. Political and religious leaders are beginning to get the message that people like you have been voicing for years. In August we launched an ambitious plan to push for climate action leading up to the Paris climate negotiations and beyond. That plan starts with communities getting together, getting organised and preparing to take action. We need your help hosting a workshop in your community.
We will provide all of the resources and support that you need to make the two-hour session a success including a curriculum, handouts and videos. All you need to do is find a few hours and a space (like your living room or a local library) to host people from your community. The workshop is great for groups to build energy, learn how movements build momentum, and lay out 350’s plans of “Power Through Paris”—including how we’re planning now to escalate after the Paris climate talks, regardless of their outcome.
Nothing is more powerful than people meeting face to face, forming connections and acting on their plans together. These workshops will play a vital role in building a more connected and powerful movement that is prepared for ambitious action in 2015 and beyond.