Click here to see Info Nights and Fundraisers that have already been registered.
The Maules Creek Coal Mine Blockade needs support from right across the country - from folks that can join in on the front line and thousands who support them from the cities and towns.
If you want to get involved - but aren’t able to head to the blockade - there are two important ways you can help the campaign from where you live: by organising a Maules Creek Info Night or a Fundraiser.
An Info Night or Fundraiser can be as simple as having 5-10 around for dinner, or an event for your whole community. Whatever you plan, we will be here to help each step of the way.
We want to run Information Nights for new audiences to boost the number of people that can travel from the front line or help out at home. Fundraisers will support the ongoing work of the blockade camp and folks that have taken direct action.
If you want more information on how to organise an event, click below. Otherwise, get started and as soon as you have a plan, register it below so we can get in touch and provide support.
5 Steps to organising an event...5 Steps to organising an event
1. Decide the type of event you want to run (Fundraiser or Info NIght) and set an aim for the number of people you would like to attend.
2. Set a date (give yourself at least 3 weeks) and find a suitable venue
3. Register your event idea below (don't worry if the details aren't perfect, you will be able to edit them later)
4. Start promoting your event to your local networks (we will provide you with a webpage and can help with social media)
5. With our help lock in the content and runnign order for your event and arrange some volunteers to help out
That's the basics, if you want more info before getting started, check out this Event Organisers pack we have prepared. Also feel free to drop us a line to discuss your plans:
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How big does my event have to be?
What ever size you like! It could be as simple as having a few friends around for afternoon tea or dinner; or you could invite your whole community to a townhall style meeting.
Is there financial support available for my event?
Yes, for an Information Night we can provide different levels of support depending on how many people you expect to attend:
-0-10 = $30
-10-30 = $60
-30-50 = $100
->50 = $150 (talk to us if you are doing a really big event)
If you are running a fundraiser an need some initial financial support please get in touch to discuss:
To secure your financial support you will need to outline your event plan on the rego form below. We will be in touch to confirm the financial support. Make sure you hold on to any receipts so that we can reimburse you after the event.
What information will we present at our event?
We’ve put together an easy to use powerpoint presentation with captivating visuals, notes and video content. We will send it to you once your event is registered. For a small event of your family and friends you can use this to run through the Maules Creek - feel free to add your own ideas and thoughts.
If you are holding a larger community event, we will try and organise a speaker to come to your event or a phone link up with someone from the blockade. Read more about these options in the event organisers pack.
How do I find a suitable venue?
These events can take place in your living room or a public venue, it depends how large and complicated you want the event to be. For larger events we often use community or church halls, rooms on university campuses or local environment centers to hold events. If you’ve explored these options and still haven’t found anything, let us know and we’ll try to help:
How will I run my event?
In the event organisers guide we have included a suggested runsheet for an Information Night and given some examples of effective fundraisers. We are happy to read over your own ideas and provide feedback.
If I host a fundraiser, what happens with the money I raise?
We will provide you with details to transfer or deposit the money in to the 350 bank account. All funds will be earmarked for the mine blockade and will be used for one of 3 purposes:
1. Helping folks travel to the blockade
2. Ensuring there are sufficient supplies to support the camp
3. Supporting individuals that have taken part in direct actions
Once you register your fundraiser we will be in touch to discuss appropriate management of the funds that you raise
Want to help out but don’t feel you can organise a whole event by yourself? Drop us an email at and let us know where you live, what time and skills you can offer and we will connect you with other local organisers.