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Follow the action at COP22 in Marrakesh

We have big plans for the COP22: From the 7-18 November 2016, world governments will meet in Marrakesh, Morocco to begin preparations for entry into force of the Paris Agreement. This meeting follows December’s COP21 meeting in France when 195 UN member states reached the Paris Agreement on climate action. Read More

With COP22 just around the corner, we must ensure that our voices are heard from every corner of the world. 2016 has been a groundbreaking year for the climate -- in good and very bad ways. As more countries ratify the Paris Agreement, it's important to look at what governments have (and haven't) done since COP21 and why it's urgent to halt the climate crisis.

There will be so much work to do - so sign up here to stay connected with the global climate movement.

Now it’s up to us to close the gap between rhetoric and reality. We’re ready!

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