America's coastlines are among the most majestic places on Earth. Yet Donald Trump's administration just announced plans to auction off drilling rights on the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf coasts, as well as in the Arctic. Turning over these areas to the world's biggest polluters would devastate marine life, threaten fragile beaches, and jeopardize the health and economies of coastal communities.
We know that to block the worst effects of climate change, we have to keep fossil fuels in the ground. Climate change and pollution hurt already-marginalized people the most. This step would exacerbate cruel environmental injustices.
In addition, coastal drilling won't create long-term jobs or improve energy security. Let's block this dirty fossil fuel plan, and invest in clean, renewable energy that creates good jobs and secures our energy future.
Now's the time to speak up, because the Department of the Interior has recently opened a public comment period. Add your name to submit a public comment to the Department of the Interior.