Watch the Video, Join the Fight

We're gearing up for a major new fight to end the billions of dollars in subsidies the fossil fuel industry receives each year. 
To move to renewable energy like wind and solar, we're going to need to end the subsidies to an industry that's already making record-breaking profits -- and start investing in a clean energy economy that doesn't destroy our planet. 

If you're ready to join this fight, sign on by filling out the form on the right. Over the next month, we'll ramp up the pressure to get every politician to tell us where he or she stands on these subsidies.

For now, we'll use this petition to show Congress how important this issue is -- and when we launch our big push to get every member of Congress on the record, they'll know that we have an army of concerned citizens who have our back. 

Tell Congress:

I call on Congress to end all subsidies to fossil fuel companies, and invest in green jobs and clean energy instead.
