
PM2.5 危害健康,連署反對政府補貼化石能源!

PM2.5 endangers public health: Join us to call for fossil energy phase-out!

  • 根據IMF研究報告(2015)指出,臺灣的年度化石燃料補貼高達315.8億美元(約新台幣1兆203.5億,此指名目稅後補貼),遭國際點名應取消相關補貼;APEC化石燃料補貼同儕檢視小組已於2016年9月來臺審視相關補貼是否合理,2017年3月發表之報告書中將臺灣提交供檢視的補貼項目全部判定為無效率補貼,並建議臺灣政府應儘速進行相關改革。
    According to the IMF report (2015), Taiwan's annual fossil fuel subsidies is up to 31.58 billion USD (approximately equals 120.35 billion TWD; the figure here refers to the post-tax subsidies). The international community calls on Taiwan to cancel these inefficient subsidies; APEC Fossil Fuel Subsidies Peer Review Team visited Taiwan in September 2016 to examine if the subsidies are efficient, and their final report submitted in March 2017 has determined all the subsidies they have reviewed as inefficient and should be reformed.

  • 化石燃料補貼是政府透過人為手段壓低化石燃料(石油、天然氣、煤炭)在市場的價格,促進化石燃料的高需求量。
    Fossil fuel subsidies are governmental policy tool to bring down the market price of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) to stimulate domestic demand for fossil fuels.

  • 高度仰賴化石燃料所帶來的嚴重影響包括:
    There are several impacts caused by fossil fuels, including:

    1. 空氣污染加劇,危害人體健康;根據台大公衛學院研究報告顯示,2014年5狠奪6,000餘人性命。
      Increasingly serious air pollution problem which endangers our health. According to the report published by College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, in 2014, more than 6,000 people died due to air pollution caused by PM2.5.

    2. 溫室氣體排放量增加,進而使地球升溫、海平面上升,淹沒近海陸地;若南極洲冰層全數融解,全球海平面會上升60公尺,臺灣平原區將完全消失。
      Greenhouse gas emissions increase, causing global warming and sea level rise, subsequently drowning our land. If the entire Antarctic ice layer melts, global sea level will rise 60 meters and the plain area in Taiwan will be drowned completely.

    3. 氣候變遷下引發極端氣候出現,旱災、澇災頻率升高,光是2016年台灣就因超強颱風造成農林漁牧業損失共計43億7,745萬元。
      Climate change leads to extreme weather. The frequency of drought and waterlogging increases. In 2016, the sector of agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry in Taiwan has lost TWD 4,377.45 million due to super typhoons.

    Climate change leads to extreme weather. The frequency of drought and waterlogging increases. In 2016, the sector of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and animal husbandry in Taiwan has lost TWD 4,377.45 million due to super typhoons.

    Thus, we call on the Taiwanese government to respond to the following two demands:

    1. 所有化石燃料補貼資訊透明化(包含項目與金額),並於2017年底前舉辦「化石燃料補貼改革」公聽會,供全民共同檢視。
      All information of fossil fuel subsidies, including the project details and the amount of money, should be transparent. The government is expected to hold a public hearing on fossil fuel subsidies reform for citizen review by the end of 2017;

    2. 2025年前移除所有低效率之化石燃料補貼(並公布移除項目金額),承諾將部分移除之補貼金額轉投資於再生能源發展,以利臺灣能源轉型。
      Phase out all inefficiency fossil fuel subsidies by 2025, announce the subsidies removed, and promise to partially reinvest in renewable energy development for the good of energy transition.


    The information gathered via this petition shall be used only for the purpose of this campaign and following the governmental regulation; it will not be used otherwise or provided to a third party.

    *For more information, please follow up on:

    350 Taiwan網站:https://gofossilfree.org/taiwan/
    350 Taiwan臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/350taiwan/







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