Big news broke last week: the Clinton Foundation has accepted millions of dollars directly from major fossil fuel companies for years.
Here’s what we know: Three fossil fuel giants -- Chevron, Conoco Philips, and Exxon -- contributed roughly $2.5 to 3 million to the Foundation. Exxon alone contributed $2 million.
The Clinton Foundation works on climate, health, and poverty. They understand the urgent threat that climate change poses to human and planetary health -- so why invest in and accept donations from an industry that’s putting us on a climate crash course?
When probed, Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton claimed the foundation has no investments in the fossil fuel industry. Founder Bill Clinton said donations from fossil fuel companies have been crucial to accomplishing their mission. Here’s our take: By investing in and accepting donations from the fossil fuel industry, the Clinton Foundation undermines the good work they do and their long term ambitions.
More than 500 institutions around the world representing more than $3.4 trillion in assets -- including some of the world's most prominent foundations -- have committed to divest. Every time a university, church, foundation, or other institution divests from fossil fuels, it sends a strong message: The age of fossil fuels is over. We need a transition that’s both rapid and just — and we need it now.
Fossil fuels are history, and now is the time to stand on the right side.
This petition is supported by Responsible Endowments Coalition and Fossil Fuel Divestment Student Network.