Stop Climate Censorship in Florida - 350

To Candie Fuller, Inspector General, FL DEP:

Recent media reports describe an “unwritten policy” prohibiting staff from using the words “climate change” or “global warming” in DEP communications. Please initiate an investigation into potential misconduct related to this matter immediately.


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Tara Sonia Lulla United States
Louise Lora Lora Somlyo United States
Jerry Lee Buechler United States

An explosive new report reveals that Florida banned environmental regulators from using the terms “climate change” and “global warming." Now, local activists are calling for an independent investigation, and they need our help.

Gov. Rick Scott denies the reports, but if we keep the national spotlight shining on Florida, we can keep him from blocking an investigation before it starts and hold him accountable for any wrongdoing.

Florida is uniquely vulnerable to our planet's changing climate. Sea-level rise alone threatens 30 percent of the state’s beaches over the next 85 years.

We won't be able to make progress on addressing this crisis if key officials aren't even able to name the problem. This is anti-science politics at its finest, and it's unacceptable.

Add your name to support the call for an investigation into Florida’s climate censorship. This petition will be delivered to Candie Fuller, Inspector General, Florida Department of Environmental Protection.