“The work of organisations like Market Forces is encouraging people to think more about their personal impact on the environment and the companies they choose to do business with.” - Marni Baker, Bendigo Bank Executive

Did you hear? Bendigo Bank has made a public announcement that they are fossil free!

If you’re excited by this, we are asking you to make sure that Bendigo Bank knows that the community will support banks that are taking leadership on climate action. 

Send them a letter in your own words by editing the template to the right...

You might like to include a reference to the recent research released by 350.org that shows 77% of Australians are concerned about their bank or super fund financing coal and gas projects in or near the Great Barrier Reef and 72% were concerned about their bank or super fund financing coal and gas anywhere in Australia.

One of our supporters wrote to Bendigo this morning with this really short note (although you don’t have to be a Bendigo customer, please mention it if you are):

Hi Bendigo,

Just heard this morning that you have done the right thing by divesting from fossil fuels. Great work – will be telling my friends and family why I am proud to be a Bendigo Bank customer.



Bendigo's full position on fossil fuel lending can be viewed here.

Write Bendigo Bank a letter in your own words to congratulate them on their commitment:

Get a call to help you switch to Bendigo Bank
Recently signed up:
Aleesha HanczakowskiAustralia
Ms Karen A NeubauerAustralia
Steve WheatleyAustralia