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Energy Transformation Now!


WE, the concerned citizens of the Philippines are alarmed of the proliferation of coal projects in the country.

Despite the vast potential of renewable energy in the country which could go as high as more than 200,000 MW based on government data, the existence of relevant laws like the Renewable Energy Law of 2008 and Climate Change Law 2009, we are distressed with the approval of 59 coal plants and 118 coal mining permits, and 15 more coal plants in the pipeline.

Even the National Renewable Energy Board identifies fossil fuel as a hindrance to renewable energy. This trajectory will only lead to more coal dependence, with coal comprising more than 50% of the overall power mix. This is a reversal in favor to fossil fuel and a betrayal to the intentions of Renewable Energy Law: energy self-sufficiency and energy transformation in the country.

Coal is not cheap. It comes with a horrifyingly huge cost to the environment and to people. Dirty energy robs communities of their health, livelihood and rights, as it is linked to increased mortality, human rights violations and massive displacement. The proliferation of coal-dependence further exacerbates the conditions of peoples already vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

  • WE AFFIRM the importance of community organizations and cooperatives. We call for the strengthening of the democratic processes which would uphold and foster the rights of communities, basic sectors and consumers in addressing energy issues.
  • WE CALL on the National Government, its concerned agencies as well as the local government units, to lead the transition to public, community-based democratic renewable energy systems as an alternative to the promotion of coal plants;
  • WE OPPOSE the establishment of new coal plants to address the power demand of the country. We thus demand on the government to revisit and amend the Philippine Energy Plan (PEP) to reflect the urgency of tapping into renewable energy systems, the promotion of RE and ultimately the phasing out of fossil-fuel based power generation plants.
  • WE OPPOSE the issuance of new COCs for coal mining operations. Coal mining has no place in a country like ours where addressing the impacts of climate change and boosting our adaptive capacity are the order of the day.
  • WE DEMAND reparations for all coal-affected communities, and a just transition for all workers who will be affected by any form of transition away from coal.

  • WE DEMAND reparations for all coal-affected communities.

  • WE DEMAND the overhaul of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 which continues to allow the unchecked and liberalized construction of dirty and harmful energy projects such as coal plants.

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