Sample Call Script:

"Hello, I am calling in opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline. This pipeline would be a climate disaster, and if the Senator is serious about fighting climate change, then they should vote NO on any bill that approves Keystone XL."

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Mr. Jerome Comeau United States
Mr Christopher Loch United States
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Vicki Andrews United States
Holly Windle United States
Dr Jane K Gates United States
ms Ruth C Lindh United States
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Dr Gret Rowe United States
Pamela Leland United States

A bill to force approval of Keystone XL was just introduced into the US Senate -- and it's 4 votes away from passing.

56 Senators, who have taken 21 million dollars from big oil, say they'd vote today to approve Keystone XL -- a pipeline that would carry 830,000 barrels of the world's dirtiest oil, creating massive amounts of carbon pollution and threatening sensitive water supplies across the heartland.

  said how 'll vote on this bill, and big oil needs  vote to approve the pipeline.

Can you give a call today and tell  to stand with us, not big oil, and vote against the Keystone XL pipeline?