We're building an army of savvy online activists to tweet, share, blog, post, and pin 350 all over the interwebs. And we want YOU!
There's a lot of noise in the world of social media, and we need you to help us cut through it. How? Well, if we can spark enough initial interest in a post on, say, Facebook or Twitter, then viral dynamics take over. That lets us magnify the impact of targeted messages and ensures that the really important stuff doesn't get lost in the shuffle.
Will you join us? By joining the social media team, you agree to recieve about one additional email from us per week. When we're running action days or mobilizations, we'll call on you more often. Our goal is to make it quick & easy for you to take targeted, strategic online actions—so that together we can cut through the noise.
Need a social media crash-course? Check out our quick guide on getting started with social media.