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Sign up to get out the vote for the climate!

Sign up to talk to voters to help elect climate champions! 

With only days left until Election Day, we need all hands on deck to get out the vote for climate champions and ballot initiatives across the country that will help us win a just, rapid transition from fossil fuels to a renewable energy-powered economy.

Our votes on November 6 can ensure the next Congress is filled with leaders willing to take bold action to fight climate change - by refusing to take fossil fuel industry donations, supporting a New Green Deal, and standing up against new drilling leases.

We're sending texts and making phone calls to people in key races to get out the vote. Sign up for a volunteer texting calling shift that works for you on this page. Once you do, a 350 Action organizer will follow up with everything you need to get started — how to sign up with Relay, a helpful guide, and a texting assignment.

This week, we'll be texting to...

  • Sign members up nationally to canvass in the last weekend before the elections!
  • Call voters in CO to support ballot 112 to fight back against fracking!
  • Get out the vote for Jess King in PA and Ilhan Omar in MN as they campaign for a green economy that works for all of us in their bids for Congress!
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