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We want an end to KLM's misleading advertisements about 'sustainable flying'. That's why we're taking KLM to court. 

KLM's marketing makes us believe that that flying won’t worsen the climate emergency. But carbon offsets, biofuels and promises of future technologies are false solutions – there's no such thing as sustainable flying.

KLM wants to expand its business, while the truth is that the airline industry needs to reduce flights to keep a just, liveable world within reach.

Sign the petition to support the lawsuit against KLM's misleading ads.


Support the lawsuit against KLM’s misleading ads 👇

KLM's misleading advertising leads consumers to believe that flying won’t worsen the climate emergency. But this is an illusion. That is why we are taking KLM to court.*

KLM's marketing tries to convince us we can fly sustainably. According to KLM, customers can offset their flight’s emissions if they pay extra for tree planting or what KLM calls “sustainable” biofuels for its jets. But carbon offsets, biofuels and promises of future technology are false solutions, promoted to reassure people that they can “fly responsibly". These 'solutions' simply can’t make flying sustainable.

KLM is planning to expand its business with more flights – like all airlines worldwide – while aggressively lobbying against climate action. But the truth is that the number of flights overall have to be reduced. The coming years are crucial: emissions – including from aviation – must be reduced now to keep a just, liveable world within reach. It is unjust that a small group of people who fly frequently continue to fuel climate breakdown, while the impacts of a hotter planet are mainly felt by people with less money, people in the Global South and future generations.

We are going to court to demand that KLM stops misleading ys. It's time for KLM to tell the truth about their fossil-fueled product: flying is one of the fastest ways to heat up the planet. And we demand that KLM stops misleading us by claiming that carbon offsetting and alternative fuels can make flying sustainable.


*On July 6, 2022 we have filed the writ: the lawsuit has started.
We closed this petition, because we won our lawsuit against KLM. Stay up to date.