Dear Matic, “The Climate Movement Breaks Through.” That was one of my favorite headlines to come out of the incredible week-long Global Climate Strike. Never before have so many people mobilised at once: A milestone 7.6 million people took part over the course of the week. In 185 countries, we saw thousands of daring and creative actions big and small, each one representing a group of committed people willing to fight for change right now. We know you’re committed, too. Can you take this survey to share how you’re using your power?
Onwards, In Case You Missed It
At it again: On Friday, 27 September, a second wave of strikes swept the globe. In New Zealand, 3.5% of the population – a significant figure – were out in the streets. And in some cities and towns, and in island nations like Tokelau, the participation rate was much higher. By day’s end, millions had mobilised in India, South Korea, Italy, Portugal, Ghana, Spain, Canada, Argentina, and elsewhere. Read more.
Afrika Vuka: After thousands came out across Africa on 20 September, beautiful actions (including a trade union-led protest) took place again the following week in Chad, Tanzania, Nigeria, Ghana, and more countries to demand a just and renewable future. Watch the highlights
The Inside StoryIn this special report from Argentina, activists expose the gas leak behind a recent fire at the second largest shale gas reserve in the world. Vaca Muerta in northern Patagonia is becoming an iconic site of resistance. Read more Use Your PowerWhat happens next is up to us: We can’t afford to return to business as usual. We must keep the pressure on governments, the fossil fuel industry, and the banks who fund them over the coming weeks and months. Find ways you can continue working to build a just, equitable, and fossil fuel-free world, whoever and wherever you are. Use the momentum to train up and bring new people into the movement, or join an upcoming action: See what’s next.