Tell NAB to rule out Beetaloo, Narrabri and Scarborough

NAB has finally released their updated oil and gas lending policy, and after 6 months of pressure from activists, they’ve made some commitments to phase out oil and gas exposure and have ruled out investments in overseas gas projects and most greenfield gas projects in Australia.

The test for NAB now is whether they will follow words with action. This policy is not worth the paper it's written on if they continue to invest in the expansion of the fossil fuel industry - both here and overseas.

To tighten up this announcement, we need NAB to commit to never lending to some of the climate disaster gas projects on the table right now. You can email their Social Impact team and tell them to add some guts to their policy by ruling out lending to companies who want to drill for oil and gas in the Beetaloo, Narrabri and Scarborough.

Personalise your message using your own stories and reasons why you think these projects are bad news. 

Write to NAB's Social Impact Team

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