How to customize your Action Network page wrappers

We want to be as clear as we can be with people signing petitions, forms, and other actions within the 350 network: they will be subscribed to both the mailing list of the group they're signing up with AND

We want them to understand that while we're a big network working together, local groups are independent from (and that means tone might be different, unsubscribes operate independently, etc).

In order to help convey this -- and to help local groups have great-looking action pages -- we've put together a page wrapper template that we're asking groups to use and customize. (See our Action Network group agreements here.)
  1. 1

    Find your page wrappers.

    From the "Start Organizing" toolbar, click "Page Wrappers."

  2. 2

    Make sure you're on the right group!

    Especially if you use Action Network for multiple groups or to manage your personal contacts, make sure you've got the right group & list selected in the upper right dropdown menu.
  3. 3

    Find your default page wrapper.

    You *should* have a page wrapper called "Custom wrapper", or "Custom Fossil Free wrapper" and that *should* be marked as your default. (This should have been set up for you by staff when your group Action Network account was created -- contact staff if you don't have it.)

    Click "edit."
  4. 4

    Add your group name or logo to the header.

    In the field called "Page wrapper head HTML:", you can edit the header HTML directly. Don't worry, it's not as hard as it looks!

    If you want to replace the 350 logo with your own group logo, you can edit the image link, like so:

    • Replace that with: <img src="YOUR FULL IMAGE LINK HERE" /> 
    • Note that you will need to first upload your logo in order to generate a link.

    If you want to simply add your organization's name to the header next to the 350 logo, you can do that like so:
    • Scroll down until you find this bit of code: <h1 class="gen_name"></h1>
    • As the embedded instructions say, put your organization's name or location in the H1 tag, like so: <h1 class="gen_name"></h1> becomes <h1 class="gen_name">YOUR NAME HERE</h1> (Example: <h1 class="gen_name">Hawaii</h1>)
    • Note that if your organization is called "350 [LOCATION]", you'll want to simply put your location name in the H1 tag, so that it shows up directly next to the 350 logo.
  5. 5

    Edit the page footer.

    In the field called "Page wrapper foot HTML:", you must replace the placeholder with your group's name. This is pretty simple -- just replace "[LOCAL GROUP NAME HERE]" with your group name.

    Hit save. Probably a good idea to preview too.
  6. 6

    Looks nice right?

    Here's a sample.

    Make sure to double check that it's the default back on your wrappers page. So long as it is, this wrapper will be automatically applied to all of your action pages. When creating actions, you will have the option to change this -- but you should refrain from doing so, so that all your signers know who's list they're ending up on!
  7. 7

    P.S. Edit your email wrapper too!

    You should have a wrapper in there that can be customized to include your group's name and website. Just go to:

    "Start organizing" --> "Email Wrappers" --> "Basic Custom Wrapper"

    Under where it says "Email wrapper foot HTML," you'll want to replace "Your Group Name" with, well, your group name. To add a link, look for this code:

    <a href="#" style="text-decoration:none;color:inherit;">Sample Link</a>

    Replace the # with your full link -- e.g. Replace "Sample Link" with whatever text you want to hyperlink -- often this is just your written out URL (e.g. but can also be something like "Click here to learn more about our work."