Covid-19 and racialised communities

The Covid-19 pandemic is exacerbating and shining a light on existing structural racism and inequalities. Government responses to the virus are overlooking and in some cases violating the fundamental rights of racialised communities in Europe. You will find here responses and resources from ENAR, our members, EU institutions, and other partners.

ENAR responses to Covid-19

Policy paper: #CovidImpact – Lifting structural barriers: A priority in the fight against racism
The pandemic has had one clear consequence in the lives of racialised groups: it has exacerbated existing and historical systemic inequalities in society, and is having a particular impact on racialised groups. The COVID-19 crisis has been a catalyst of many existing issues in our society. Now is the time for policy makers to adapt their policy priorities, address structural racism as a priority to ensure a fair, equal and inclusive society for all. A change in the approach to racism/racial equality is therefore crucial in the EU.

Webinar: #CovidImpact on racialised communities

ENAR and the European Parliament’s Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI) organised an online exchange and dialogue with policy makers on the impact of COVID-19 on racialised communities in Europe.

Interactive map on the impact of Covid-19 on racialized communities

ENAR’s interactive Europe-wide map highlights the impact of Covid-19 on racialised communities in a range of areas, including healthcare, housing, employment, police violence, racist violence and speech. The map displays 191 cases collected between January and April 2020.

Press release: Evidence of the impact of Covid-19 on racialised communities exposes need to address persistent inequalities and racism

Data on the impact of Covid-19 on racialised groups exposes how government responses are overlooking and in some cases violating the fundamental rights of ethnic and racial minorities in Europe. The cases underline how this pandemic is exacerbating existing structural racism and inequalities, meaning that some groups are being hit harder.

Joint statement: For a Europe that cares for all – during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

ENAR joined a broad range of organisations committed to working together towards a shared vision of the future of Europe, calling on EU institutions and member state government to work for a Europe that cares for all – during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

Statement: Leaving no one behind in the coronavirus crisis: ENAR calls for system change now to achieve real equality

ENAR alerts to the fact that the Covid-19 crisis is exacerbating structural racism and inequalities in society, with vulnerable and disadvantaged groups bearing the brunt of its impact.

Resources for organisers in times of COVID-19 crisis

A compilation of resources from a variety of experienced organisers adapted for COVID-19 on activism, organising online meetings, narratives and funding, to help anti-racist activists organise in this new context.

ENAR Network responses

Our ‘Corona Diaries’ live blog brings voices from the ENAR network on how the crisis is affecting them and how they are responding. It is updated regularly with new entries by ENAR members.

EU institutions

EU Fundamental Rights Agency data collection on the fundamental rights implications of Covid-19

European Commission letter urging EU member states to ensure that vulnerable groups, including racialised communities, receive needed support during Covid-19

Statement by EU Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, on the impact of Covid on racialised communities

Statement by EU Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, on the impact of Covid on Roma communities


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