Global Climate Strike, 20-27 Sept.

We’ve endured another summer of record-breaking heatwaves, floods, and refinery explosions. Enough is enough. No more government inaction and half-measures.

It’s time to build a renewable energy economy that works for everyone. Join us in the streets September 20 and the week after to demand climate justice for all.

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Use the map below to find and RSVP for an event near you.

Can’t find something where you live? No problem. Click here to host a Climate Strike event.
Register a US Climate Strike →

Need help organizing your event, or just want more activist skills? Sign up for one of our online trainings.
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Need help organizing your event, or just want more activist skills? Sign up for one of our online trainings.
Sign up for a training →

Frequently Asked Questions→
Got questions? We’ve got answers.

Climate Justice & Coalition Building with Frontline Communities→
It’s important to center racial and economic justice in our climate activism. To do that, organizers who are not part of frontline communities must build strong relationships with frontline organizers and leaders. Check out this guide to find resources to help you get started.

Adult Ally Toolkit→
A guide to help adult organizers collaborate and co-create Climate Strike events with youth organizers.

US Organizing Toolkit→
An extensive overview of everything you’ll need to do before, during, and after the Climate Strikes to ensure a successful event.

Organizing at Work or in the Community
How to Organize a Climate Strike at Work or in Your Community→
Organizing in your workplace or your community? Check out our page to get a basic overview of what you need to do.
Workers and Unions Organizing Toolkit→
Check out the toolkit for organizing in the workplace created by our partners at Labor Sustainability Network.

Organizing at School
How to Organize a Climate Strike at Your School→
Organizing in your school? Check out the website to get the support you need.

Digital, Media, and Art Resources

US Media Toolkit→
This media toolkit walks through how to use the news to communicate our power, campaigns and the climate movement with the world. 

Climate Strikes Arts Kit→
Click here to find pre-made designs, art-making how-to guides, tips for street murals, group photos, music, and more. US Climate Strikes Digital Resource Hub→
A collection of email templates, social media copy, Action Network how-to’s, graphics, videos, and more. Courtesy of

Social Media Toolkit→
A basic social media toolkit for the Climate Strike to help you get started with promotion.

Live Coverage Tips→
Everything you need to know about livestreaming your event on the day of.

Frequently Asked Questions

When are the Global Climate Strikes?

When are the Global Climate Strikes?

Young people around the world have been shaking things up in the last year with Fridays for Future school strikes for the climate. As we deal with devastating climate breakdown and hurtle towards dangerous tipping points, young people are calling on people of all ages to disrupt business as usual by joining the global climate strikes on September 20, and a week of escalated actions through September 27.

Together, we will sound the alarm and show our politicians that business as usual is no longer an option.  The climate crisis won’t wait, so neither will we. 

What is planned?

What is planned?

Millions of school climate strikers have been leaving their classrooms every Friday. Now, they hope that everyone else will join them in action. Going on climate strike means people everywhere walking out of their homes, jobs and classes. 

Everyone is needed to disrupt business as usual: from food industry workers, custodians and delivery drivers to teachers, doctors and lawyers, and everyone in between. We can all take part, whatever our circumstances, by refusing to accept the status quo. 

People in 150 countries are already organizing for the global climate strikes this September. Some will spend the day in protest against new pipelines and mines, or the banks that fund them; some will highlight the oil companies fueling this crisis and the politicians that enable them.  Others will spend the day in action raising awareness in their communities and pushing for solutions to the climate crisis that have justice and equity at their heart.  

On a grossly unequal planet, not everyone will be able to take a day off or take part in the same way.  But we can all take a stand and make our voices heard. Find out how.

Why go on #ClimateStrike?

Why go on #ClimateStrike?

The climate crisis is here — and already hurting millions of people.

Our climate is on the brink of collapse. Millions of people in the US and around the world are already feeling the effects of rising seas and powerful droughts, heatwaves, storms, floods and fires.

A handful of oil, coal, and gas billionaires have driven us to this point. And our elected officials have protected and enabled them for years.

Meanwhile, the people displaced, harmed, and killed by the climate crisis and the industries causing it have often been those who are least responsible — people of color, the poor, and Indigenous nations.

We have the power to create change.

We know what the solutions are. We have the means to implement them. And working together, we can build the political power we need to take down the fossil fuel industry and kickstart a rapid energy revolution with equity, reparations, and climate justice at its heart.

If we don’t act now to transition fairly and swiftly away from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy access for all, the injustice of the climate crisis will only get worse. 

But it’s going to take all of us working together to succeed. Join the Climate Strikes starting on September 20 – and continuing with additional events through September 27.  

Millions of us will walk out from home, work, school or university to declare a climate emergency and show our politicians what action in line with climate science and justice means.

The climate crisis won’t wait, so neither will we.

What difference will it make?

What difference will it make?

These Climate Strikes won’t solve the climate crisis alone. What this moment can do is demonstrate that people are no longer willing to continue with business as usual. The urgency of the climate crisis requires a new approach and a just response centered on human rights, equity, and justice. 

Millions of students around the world have been sounding the alarm for over a year. Now it’s everyone’s turn to stand with young people and show world leaders the people power demanding climate justice. September’s climate strikes will kickstart a huge wave of action and renewed ambition all over the world. 

Who is going on climate strike?

Who is going on climate strike?

Everyone! School strikers are aiming to make September 20 their biggest mobilization yet, while unions and adults everywhere are preparing their own actions from September 20-27.  

We already know that environmental, public health, social justice, and development groups will join in. But our greatest hope is mobilize millions of people across all sectors of society. After all, we share this planet together. So it only makes sense for all of us to fight for it. 

It will take all of our efforts to get millions of us in the streets worldwide. So join us. Our window for effective climate action is closing fast. 

What are you asking for?

The climate crisis is already here — we want everyone to start acting like it. We demand climate justice for everyone. 

Our hotter planet is already hurting millions of people. If we don’t act now to transition fairly and swiftly away from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy for all, the injustice of the climate crisis will only get worse. 

We need to act right now to stop burning fossil fuels and ensure a rapid energy revolution with equity, reparations and climate justice at its heart. 

What if I can’t go on strike?

What if I can’t go on strike?

Workers’ rights and labor laws vary hugely around the world, and not everyone can work, strike, or be part of a union. On a grossly unequal planet, some of us can’t do without a single day’s pay, and some of us work for bosses who would fire us if we dared try. 

And some jobs simply can’t stop: emergency room doctors should keep on saving lives. But many of us can put off for 24 hours our usual work, confident it will be there when we return.

The strike called by youth on September 20 will kick start a week of climate action with many different plans underway in different parts of the world allowing adults to join together, step up and take action for our climate. 

Here is a range of ways you could join the Climate Strikes if you’re unable to leave your workplace.

Who is supporting climate strikes?

Who is supporting climate strikes?

Climate strikes were started by school students organizing through the #FridaysForFuture platform.

This Global Climate Strike mobilization is a joint response by a broad coalition of groups, NGOs, unions and social movements across the world to young people’s call to action for September.

These are the principles guiding our collective efforts towards September.

Can adults join in?

Can adults join in?

Absolutely! School strikers have invited everyone to walk out in solidarity with them on Friday September 20 and 27. This is a global moment to show politicians everywhere that our movement is growing from strength to strength and we won’t stop until we get climate justice for everyone. This is only the beginning.

Why September 20-27?

Why September 20-27?

As young climate strikers have shown, there is huge power in sustained action to match the scale of the climate emergency. These dates in September are only a beginning to the sustained mass mobilization that will be needed to pressure world governments to take action in line with climate science and justice. 

On September 20, 3 days before a UN emergency climate summit being held in New York, young people in the Fridays For Future network are mobilizing for their largest global climate strike ever. They have invited everyone to join them on Friday, September 20 and again the following Friday, September 27 when they will join Earth Strike for a general strike. 

In the week between September 20 and September 27, people around the US will mobilize locally in a series of escalated actions intended to build on the pressure created by the mobilization on September 20th. You can find these events in the map at the top of this page.

Global Climate Strike partners encourage everyone to join on both dates and well beyond.
