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Canada On Fire Day of Action

OWEN SOUND On Fire: Climate Emergency Day of Action

Wednesday, September 8, 4:00 PM
88-8th street East
Owen Sound, Ontario, N4K 1K8, Canada
As politicians gear up for an early federal election, it’s up to us to bring the impacts of climate change front and centre. On September 8th, while catastrophic climate events continue to erupt around us, we will be demanding emergency-level climate action.

Join us at THE FARMER’S MARKET IN OWEN SOUND. Together we can show our politicians that climate change is THE central issue to voters.

Bring face masks and friends, and maintain the required social distance as we demand our politicians muster up the courage to combat the climate crisis.

COVID self-assessment test: If you're not feeling well, please stay home. Access is not permitted to anyone presenting the following symptoms: - fever - chills - cough or barking cough - shortness of breath - decrease or loss of smell or taste - sore throat - difficulty swallowing - pink eye - runny or stuffy nose/congested nose - headache that's unusual or long lasting - digestive issues like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain - muscle aches that are unusual or long lasting - extreme tiredness that is unusual - falling down often (for older people)


Please make sure that you follow local and regional COVID-19 safety protocol in your area. We recommend wearing a mask and remaining socially distanced throughout the event.

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