Sunday, September 21, 12:00 PM Stroud Subscription Rooms (forecourt)George StStroud, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Gloucestershire’s Climb for Climate. Start: The Subscription Rooms (forecourt), George St, Stroud, GL5 1AE. Walk ends in rally and picnic in Rodborough: 1.5 km steep walk uphill! Bring or wear something blue or green, our colour theme for the day. We will be forming a big heart shape and, we hope, sending our photo to the London march and others. Details: www.gloscan.org.uk - Gloucestershire Climate Action Network. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/GlosCAN-Gloucestershire-Climate-Action-Network/463742420421949
The march start point is 2 min from the train station.
Train from Cheltenham, dep. 1124 arr. 1158, via Gloucester, £6.00 rtn; return to Cheltenham dep. 1351, 1500, 1640; from Kemble dep. 1049 arr. 1103; return to Kemble dep. 1333, 1514, 1613.
Bus from Cheltenham, no. 46 dep. 1045 arr 1125, return to Cheltenham dep. 1325, 1525, 1625.
Check all times before travelling.