Start an event

Registering an event for Climate Impacts Day is easy -- just sign up using the form below to put your community on the map for a big, global day of action on 5/5/12.

Think of this day as a chance to combine efforts with others in your community, because we need to show our strength in numbers. As you write your event description, remember that Climate Impacts Day is all about bringing your community together -- so try to write a compelling invitation that will get people fired up!

You'll be able to edit your event info later, so you don't need to have everything figured out right now -- the important thing is to get started, so register your event below!

    Event Information

    Event Location
    Event Description

    If you need ideas for your event, click here.

    Your contact information

    (Don't worry—we take privacy seriously and won't post your personal contact information publicly)

    Next, we'll e-mail you a link to confirm your event.