English is under Japanese!
どんな方でも平和的な方法で環境問題に参加したり取り組むことができます。今回は、音の瞑想・SOUND YOGA を通してメッセージを発信します。
温暖化やプラスチックに興味がなくても、活動をしている方でも、どなたでも、言語やエゴを超えた音の世界でつながりましょう。Join us!
時間:日本時間 17:00-18:00
フィリピン 16:00-17:00
場所:セブ Cafe Egao
主催:WiSDOM ダケ・アヤナ
SOUND YOGA & メッセージLive中継
・SOUND Meditationを体験します。
Live配信URL coming soon !!
Profile : ダケ・アヤナ / Ayana Dake
ライフコーチトレーナー / HEART OF SOUND日本校代表
株式会社WiSDOM CEO / サウンドプロデューサー
Message from Ayana
ダケ・アヤナ with #DJMEOW
実際に私たちみんなが暮らす地球が、燃えてしまっているのです。 気候危機は一刻の猶予も許されないのに、私たちは、まるでそうではないかのように行動しています。 友だちや家族、そして職場、地域、サークルの仲間も誘いましょう。 みんなの力が必要です。
今多くの人が声を上げなければ、かけがえのないこの地球の、そして日本の環境を守ることができません。 9月20日、気候変動への緊急対策を求める10代20代の声に共感し、気候マーチに参加してください。
Join us for “SOUND YOGA STRIKE” on Cebu Island and take part in the Global Climate Strike. Everyone has the ability to make an impact and influence the climate change.
If already actively fighting against the climate change- or not, if with a lot of knowledge about the global warming and all the plastic in our sea -or not, let’s cross all boundaries.
Let’s leave language and ego behind and let’s instead standing all together with the power of sound meditation and SOUND YOGA to call for global action on climate change.
Date: September 20th, 2019
When: 5PM - 6PM JST / Philippines 4PM - 5PM (GMT+8)
Where: Cebu Cafe Egan
Hosted by: WiSDOM Ayana Dake
In cooperation with: DJMEOW
Admission Charge: Free
・Welcome and Stretching in a cycle
・Yoga Poses to calm body and mind
・Sound Meditation
・Message Drawing *will be shared via SNS
Participation from Japan also possible due to
Online Broadcast of SOUND YOGA & Message!
Visit us at: URL coming soon
Sound Yoga Strike
No matter who -if familiar with any kind of demonstration/protest movements or not- the global climate change is affecting everyone and it requires action from everybody.
With organizing events focused on spreading messages and participate movements through yoga, running, music or other art - we want to provide a place of dialogue, where people come together, discuss changes and take collective action in a different way.
About the climate change and the impact of 1.5℃
Planet Earth is our home and also significantly as well as already irreversibly damaged by ourselves. Recently on August 1st, 2019 it took only one day a staggering 110 billion tons of meltwater flowed off of Greenlands’s ice sheet surface. Fires raging in the Amazon which is producing 20% of the oxygen in the atmosphere. Somewhere, every 5 seconds a child dies of poverty and hunger. We are maintaining “life as usual” even though this year the Earth Overshoot Day happened the earliest ever and already two month ago in July, the human demand for ecological resources has surpassed what our Earth can regenerate yearly. If we don’t take countermeasure and manage to stop the rising global temperature by as much as 1.5 degrees until 2030, it will kill not only the huge majority of coral reefs but also heavily impact the survival probability of the global population. The future currently looks pretty dark for us and our children with unimaginable hunger and food shortage if we don’t start taking action.
But why do we still acting like “nothing happened” and keep living our life “as we always did” even though our critical global warming situation doesn’t allow us to be even hesitant for a second when it comes to making a change?
Important is that we need everyones commitment and tackle it all together.
Collective Action - in no matter kind of way. The Climate Change is unstoppable but now it’s all about starting somewhere and make a change.
Me personally I don’t have own children but I want to do everything possible to ensure -not only that little boy running in front me just right now- but all children of this world when they grow up, to have enough clean air, water and food, dreams of becoming a soccer player coming true, falling in love and having a future where they can sleep peacefully.
Ayana Dake with #DJMEOW
About the Global Climate Strike Movement
‘Our house is on fire’.
Children and Young People all around the world are protesting against climate change inaction. This month 100millions of people worldwide -children and adults together- are expected to participate Global Climate Strikes in every continent with hopes that massive turnout will make a difference. The climate crisis IS an emergency which requires immediate action and countermeasures NOW, but instead we are closing our eyes and acting like nothing crucial is happening. That needs to be changed and we want you to be there, get involved, make a difference and also join with friends, family, colleagues, communities. Every single one of you is needed.
#climatestrike globalclimatestrike.net