Saturday, December 12, 1:00 PM Community United Church of ChristRaleigh, NC 27607You'll be able to see the location and contact the event host after you RSVP.
Join us as we gather in solidarity with people around the world the day after COP21 ends, when people will lift their voices with the last word!
It’s time to Keep it in the Ground and commit to a just, peaceful climate future and a 100% renewable transition!
Bring signs and wear green or red if you can!
* Learn about the solar program at CUCC, Solarize Triangle, NC WARN's Emergency Climate Response, the Clean Power Plan, cooking with solar, actions you can take, and more.
* Time for reflection, during which we will write our thoughts for actions we’re taking on pieces of paper that will be composted in the church's garden. Seeding the Clean Energy Future!
* Gather on the corner of the church property at Wade Avenue and Dixie Trail holding signs you bring saying honk for clean energy, honk for solar, Keep it in the Ground, and other creative messages! RSVP here.
Please help spread the word on social media and more using this link! Use #D12.
Thanks to NC WARN, Environment NC, NCIPL, NC Sierra, NC Conservation Network, Food & Water Watch, Frack Free NC, CUCC’s Justice in a Changing Climate group, and more for your support and spreading the word!
Check out this powerful video featuring Indigenous leaders at COP21. Love the passion from Clayton Thomas-Muller, Crystal Lamemann, Casy Camp Horinek and others!
Peace and love for our beautiful Earth, Karen
350 Triangle organizer