Register a "Disruption" Movie Screening

Ready to host a screening or a house party? Registering a local screening is easy -- just sign up using the form below.

After you register, we'll follow up with additional resources so you can ensure you'll have a successful event. You'll be able to edit your event info later, so you don't need to have everything figured out right now -- the important thing is to get started, so register your event below!

Frequently Asked Questions   Contact Our Team

    Your contact information
      Not ? Click here.
      Event information
      Event location
      NOTE: Event addresses are public.
      Double-check date, time, and location before you submit!
      Event description
      Public description
      If your event is public, people will see this description before signing up for your event.
      Optional — Directions to event
      Optional — Note to attendees
      Attendees will only see this once they've chosen to sign up for your event.
      Event rules

      Here are the basic requirements for event hosts:

      • You'll need a way to stream and display a live web video (like YouTube) or a downloaded video file. 
      • If you'll be hosting a public event, you should make sure to start on time, and alert anyone who signs up for your event to any changes or important info they need to know. 
      Next, we'll e-mail you a link to confirm your event.