Sunday, September 21, 12:00 PM Bicentennial Park - GlebeRozelle BayGlebe, 2037, Australia
Join us as we create a human sign and enjoy a family-friendly picnic to defend our land and water from coal and gas.
Bring your picnic basket, rug and chair for a fun-filled community day. We’ll have guest speakers, food stalls, music and the opportunity to hear more about inspiring grass-roots campaignss
COME CELEBRATE OUR COMMUNITY with The Stayers Blues Band, the Radical Marching Band, the Balmain Ukulele Klub, Nick Wales and more!
This event is hosted by the Balmain Defenders of Our Land, Our Water, Our Future in partnership with the Australian Youth Climate Coalition.
The Defenders are local residents working in our community to raise awareness of the impacts coal and gas mining has on our water catchment areas and productive farmland. Mining licences and applications cover 80% of our beautiful state. Even Sydney’s drinking water catchment’s are at risk! www.landwaterfuture.org.au https://www.facebook.com/BalmainDefenders