Sunday, September 21, 1:00 PM Parc Lafontaine3933 Avenue du Parc la FontaineMontréal, H2L 0C7, Canada2.1 km
Le 21 septembre 2014 unissons-nous à la plus grande marche mondiale de l'histoire pour le climat. / Join us on September 21, 2014 for the world's largest climate march in history. ___________________________ Il y aura des mobilisations partout à travers le monde pour mettre la pression sur les leaders mondiaux participant au Sommet 2014 sur le climat ayant lieu à New York. Ce que nous exigeons: des ACTIONS et non des MOTS! Plus d'informations à venir concernant le lieu et l'heure de la marche à Montréal. ___________________________ Mobilizations are taking place everywhere around the world in preparation for the UN summit on the climate crisis taking place in New York. Although the biggest mobilization will be in the Big Apple, let us march in Montreal to fight for everything we love in this world! More info to come about the place and time of the march in Montreal. ___________________________ For more information / Pour plus d'informations: The #worthsaving project: https://secure.avaaz.org/en/worthsaving2l/?bycVshb&v=43592 For the People's March: http://peoplesclimate.org/ The petition: http://www.avaaz.org/en/join_to_change_everything_cities_post/?pv=45&rc=fb People's Climate March in London: https://www.facebook.com/peoplesclimatemarchlondon Avaaz: https://www.facebook.com/Avaaz UN Climate Summit 2014: http://www.un.org/climatechange/summit/